About Us


Mission Statement: It is our mission to create safe, healing, supportive housing for the most vulnerable.

Our Vision is to be a leader in positive social change in our communities.

paper family circle

Benji Miskuski, Founder

About Me:  


Location: ( changes almost monthly ) right now Summerland B.C.  Anyone who knows me will say that I’m a traveling gypsy at heart.  I have lived as far north as Inuvik N.W.T., east as Toronto and all over B.C. and Alberta.  B.C. although it is expensive, it will likely always be home to me.  


Occupations: Currently working at a homeless shelter in Penticton.  I have worked years in shelters, supervised consumption sites, sobering centers, group homes, and was even a subway sandwich artist once.  I worked as an apprentice gas fitter, had a petstore with my mom, had a neurofeedback / hypnotherapy clinic on Vancouver Island, and a furnace cleaning truck once.  


Interests: Music, psychology, hypnosis, aquariums, and generally helping anyone that comes on my path. 


Ambitions:  I have one hotel that I have converted to a safe house for women and kids fleeing domestic violence and I have intentions of owning many more. 


I have been working toward more education in hypnotherapy and psychology and support lifelong learning.