Project Development

Stage One - The Idea *Delia Project

Stage Two - Demo

Stage Three - Primer and Ready for Design

Stage Four - Coming Soon ------

Frequently Asked Questions

Will a shelter in my community hurt the area it’s in? 

Honestly, if it’s operated poorly it could.  I have seen both sides, shelters operate for over 10 years without neighbors even really being aware that it’s there, and other shelters completely destroy the surrounding area in a matter of a year.  I have no intention of ever operating the classical “Shelter” but rather have a “Sanctuary” where women and children are best kept safe and supported. For success, the biggest factors are who the operator is and what safeguards are put in place to ensure that the community is protected. 


Will bad people come to my community?

No. It’s extremely unlikely however we always plan for the worst and expect the best.  


What is a good neighbor agreement?

It’s an agreement that the operator of the safehouse will abide by a set of rules and conditions so that the enjoyment of the community, the safety, and general view is never harmed.  This can be issues around noise, garbage, curfew, reporting, and anything any community might have concern with. It’s a safety document put in place to keep the operator and everyone accountable. 

How many years have you worked in shelters? 

I have spent about 20 years off and on in huge shelters like Calgary Drop Inn; at the time about 1000 residents and 25 or so staff if we were fully staffed, to 40 bed shelters on Vancouver Island. 


What are your intentions? 

I want to create safe, healthing, positive changing places that support the most vulnerable.  

What are the negatives and positives?

As mentioned, like anything else, without proper safeguards in place, without experience, and without accountability, even with the best intentions a safehouse / shelter can potentially damage and be counter productive.  When it’s done correctly, I have seen the most incredible recovery and the absolute beauty when a community comes together. 


What are the challenges? 

There are many from funding, public perception and poorly educated concepts, getting everyone to share the same vision, safety for everyone involved, heck I even had to deal with an infestation of owls once.  Seriously.  


All challenges are beatable with the right plan in place.